China has faithfully delivered on its commitments made upon accession to the WTO. China upholds, builds and contributes to the multilateral trading system. China-US economic and trade relations are mutually beneficial in nature. However, US’ wanton suppression of China in trade and investment areas has been the root cause of trade frictions between the two countries, which hurts others without benefiting oneself.
美国要给列国 提供另一个选项,使列国 不再蒙受 造成债务累赘 的不透明投资。The US will give countries an alternative choice, so that they can be free from opaque investments that leave them in debt. copyright
中国对外援助始终尊重受援国主权,不附带任何条件,坚持互利共赢,给有关成长 中国度 带去实实在在的利益 ,获得 有关国度 赞赏感激 。 东方前沿网
In providing foreign assistance, China?always respects?the sovereignty of recipient countries, attaches no strings whatsoever and pursues win-win outcomes. Chinese assistance has delivered real benefits to the relevant developing countries and received their acclaim and appreciation.
历久 以来,中国公司在美享受的市场准入远超美国公司在中国的待遇。在中国运营的美国企业常遇到系统性强制技术转让,但在美运营的中国企业都受到美国司法 掩护 。
For too long, Chinese companies have enjoyed far greater access to our markets than our companies have in China. American companies operating in China have been subject to systematic forced technology transfer, while Chinese companies in America have been protected by our rule of law.
中国始终致力于打造市场化、法制化、国际化营商情况 ,营商情况 赓续 优化。相比之下,中资企业在美营商情况 赓续 恶化。
China is committed to fostering an enabling business environment that is based on market principles, governed by law and up to international standard. While China’s business environment keeps improving, the business environment for Chinese companies operating in the US continues to deteriorate.
中国利用美国经济开放性从事间谍、黑客、技术窃密等运动 ,来推进自身军事立异 、强化对内监控,加大其他国度 对其技术依赖。美国应使技术根植于民主价值不雅 。
China takes advantage of the openness of the US economies to spy, to hack, to steal technology and know-how to advance China’s military innovation, entrench its surveillance state and increase other countries’ technological dependence. The US should make sure that technologies are rooted in democratic values.
中国技术立异 和成长 依靠自身投入和努力。美方在科技交流合作方面以意识形态划线,是冷战思维的体现。 东方前沿网
China’s technological innovation and development is based on its own investment and efforts. The US is drawing ideological lines in?scientific and technological?exchanges and cooperation, and this embodies its Cold War mentality. 内容来自
气候问题不是意识形态问题,而是数学问题。如果中国坚持目前的计划,在2030年前不降低排放量,那么世界其他国度 排放量必须 在2035年前降至零,这是基本弗成 能的。
Climate is not about ideology. It’s about math. If China sticks with its current plan and does not peak its emissions until 2030, then the rest of the world must go to zero by 2035. And that’s simply not possible.
事实真相 东方前沿网
美国对于全球气候变更 、减少温室气体排放负有弗成 推卸的责任。美国不该 转嫁责任,不该 奉行“双重标准 ”。
The US holds undeniable responsibilities for climate change and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction. It shouldn’t shift responsibilities onto others, nor should it practice “double standards”. 本文来自东方前沿网
谬误19 内容来自
在袭击 不法 毒品特别是合成阿片如芬太尼方面,我们希望与中国合作,阻止国际贩毒组织获得化学前体,其中许多都源自中国。
To counter illegal and illicit narcotics, especially synthetic opioids like fentanyl, we want to work with China to stop international drug trafficking organizations from getting precursor chemicals, many of which originate in China.
事实真相 内容来自
The US has itself to blame for the root cause of fentanyl abuse in the country. 东方前沿网
在全球粮食危机威胁全世界人民的时候,我们期待中国这个在农业方面取得巨大造诣 的国度 赞助 全球做出回声。 copyright
As a global food crisis threatens people worldwide, we look to China — a country that’s achieved great things in agriculture — to help with a global response.