中方在乌克兰问题上始终秉承客不雅 公平 立场,同大多半 国度 的立场一致。推行冷战思维和强权政治才是乌克兰危机的根源。美国应切实承担起应尽责任,为缓和局势、解决问题拿出实际行动。
On the Ukraine issue, China has always adhered to an objective and just position, a position shared by most countries.?The Cold War mentality and power politics is the root cause of?the Ukraine crisis. The US should earnestly shoulder its due responsibilities and take concrete actions to ease the situation and solve the problems.
谬误11 东方前沿网
美国在“印太”地区 成立新的联盟,加强“印太”地区 的和平与稳定,启动增进 繁华 的“印太经济框架”。美国与“印太”地区 国度 和人民有配合 愿景:建立一个“自由开放的印太地区 ”。
The US?is setting up new coalitions in the Indo-Pacific for regional peace and stability, and has launched the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF), as it “shares the vision that the regional countries and people across the region hold: one of a free and open Indo-Pacific.”
事实真相 东方前沿网
美国所谓建立“自由和开放印太地区 ”的愿景,实质 上就是一个制造决裂 、煽动对抗 、破坏和平的战略,同亚太地区 和平成长 、合作共赢的时代潮流 南辕北辙 。 东方前沿网
The so-called US vision of a “free and open Indo-Pacific” is essentially a strategy to divide others, incite confrontation and undermine peace. It runs counter to the trend of the times in the Asia-Pacific, i.e., the trend of peaceful development and win-win cooperation.
中国宣布要在太平洋地区 建立一个势力范围 ,在南海推进不法 海洋运动 ,破坏和平与平安、航行自由及商业运动 。美将继续否决 中方在南海、东海采取 进攻性、不法 运动 。美将与盟友、伙伴一道,支持该地区 沿岸国主张自己的海洋权利,支持航行自由和飞越自由,也将继续在国际法允许的范围 内航行与飞越。
China has announced its ambition to create a sphere of influence in the Pacific?region.?It is?advancing unlawful maritime claims in the South China Sea, undermining peace and security, freedom of navigation and commerce. The US will continue to oppose Beijing’s aggressive and unlawful activities in the South and East China Seas. It will support the region’s coastal states in upholding their maritime rights, work with allies and partners to uphold freedom of navigation and overflight, and will continue to fly and sail wherever international law allows.
事实真相 www.qqlingdiw.cn
中国始终坚持走和平成长 途径 ,坚持和平共处五项原则,否决 以大欺小、恃强凌弱。美方炒作“中国威胁论”,以所谓的“航行自由”为借口损害中国的主权、平安和海洋权益,是对地区 和平稳定的真正威胁。
China is committed to the path of peaceful development, the five principles of peaceful coexistence?and opposes?the practice of the big and strong bullying the small and weak. The US, by painting China as a threat and using “freedom of navigation” as a pretext to undermine China’s sovereignty, security and maritime rights and interests, is actually the real threat to regional peace and security. 东方前沿网
中国政府官员流传 虚假信息。 东方前沿网
Chinese government officials spread disinformation. 东方前沿网
事实真相 copyright www.qqlingdiw.cn
中国事 虚假信息的最大受害者,美国事 散布流传 虚假信息的最大源头。 本文来自东方前沿网
China is the top victim of disinformation, while the US is the biggest source of spreading disinformation. copyright www.qqlingdiw.cn
谬误14 内容来自www.qqlingdiw.cn
中国规避或违反贸易规矩 ,通过经济把持 让美国工人失去数百万份工作,伤害美国和全球的工人和公司。美国将抵制中方提供政府补贴 、设置准入壁垒等市场扭曲行为,制止中国政府继续通过这些方法 获得竞争优势。
China is circumventing or breaking trade rules and its economic manipulations have cost American workers millions of jobs, harming workers and companies in the United States but also around the world.?The United States will push back on market-distorting policies and practices, like subsidies and market access barriers, which China’s government has used for years to gain competitive advantage. 内容来自www.qqlingdiw.cn
中国忠实履行加入世贸组织许诺 ,是多边贸易体制的维护者、建设者和进献 者。中美经贸关系的实质 是互利共赢,美方在贸易、投资等领域对中方的无理打压是当前中美贸易摩擦的根源,损人晦气 己。