首个全国生态日:美丽中国 新的一步

2023-08-16 02:26

藏野驴、野牦牛、藏羚羊等17种国家一级保护动物活跃在这片高原……如今,新疆阿尔金山国家级自然保护区生物多样性日益丰富。而在甘肃张掖,红山湾水库与七彩丹霞美景构成了一幅“戈壁水乡”生态和谐绚丽多彩的画卷。 copyright www.qqlingdiw.cn

Seventeen animals under top-level state protection, such as Tibetan wild donkeys, wild yaks and Tibetan antelopes, are active in this plateau. Nowadays, the Altun Mountains National Nature Reserve in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is enjoying an increasingly rich biodiversity. In Zhangye City in Xinjiang's neighboring Gansu Province, the Hongshan Bay Reservoir and the Danxia landscape characterized by reddish sandstone features make a water town in Gobi area, constituting a glamorous picture of ecological harmony.





With a bluer sky, lusher lands and clearer waters, today's China has an ecologically charming territory.




In March 2023, China unveiled an ecological development plan which made it clear that by 2035, the goal of building a beautiful China will basically be achieved. Later, China set August 15 as the National Ecology Day, aiming to raise people's sense of responsibility and mission to that end. 东方前沿网

取之有度、用之有节,是生态文明的真谛。中国以占世界9%的耕地、6%的淡水资源,养育着世界近1/5人口,实现经济发展和生态环境保护的双赢,破解资源环境约束正面临巨大压力。 东方前沿网

The essence of ecological development lies in exploring and using natural resources in a measured and sparing way. With 9 percent of the world's arable land and 6 percent of the fresh water resources on earth, China supports nearly one fifth of the global population, facing huge pressure to achieve a win-win situation between economic growth and ecological and environmental protection. 东方前沿网


在推进可持续发展上,中国正推动建设世界上最大的国家公园体系;近十年来全球增加的森林面积四分之一来自中国;中国也率先提出和实施生态保护红线制度,为全球生物多样性保护事业贡献中国方案。 内容来自www.qqlingdiw.cn

To promote sustainable development, China is building the world's largest national park system. A quarter of the increase in global forest area over the past decade has come from China. Besides, China has taken the lead in proposing and implementing the red-line system for ecological protection, contributing Chinese solutions to global biodiversity conservation. copyright www.qqlingdiw.cn



In recent years, "green and low-carbon life" and "energy saving and carbon reduction" have become buzzwords in China's high-quality development. Ordinary Chinese have echoed the call by contributing their part to these campaigns. 东方前沿网


2005年8月15日,习近平在考察湖州市安吉县时首次提出“绿水青山就是金山银山”论述。选在这一天设立“全国生态日”这样一个具有鲜明辨识度的节日,意义重大。 本文来自东方前沿网

On August 15, 2005, Xi Jinping put forward the idea of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" when visiting Anji County in east China's Huzhou City. It is of great significance to set up the marked National Ecology Day on this day. 东方前沿网




Previously, China has also set up many anniversaries related to ecological environment. such as the national environment day, the national low-carbon day, the national land day, the national tree planting day, the national fish releasing day and the bird-loving week. The establishment of the National Ecology Day means a further step in that direction, indicating that China attaches great importance to ecological environment protection as always and pays close attention to future green development.


放眼全球,很多国家都有各具特色的生态环保相关的节日,比如挪威“海滩清洁日”、美国“国家河流清洁日”等等。同时,世界环境日、世界湿地日、世界防治荒漠化和干旱日等重要的国际性节日,中国也积极参与其中,为共建地球生命共同体贡献中国力量。 本文来自东方前沿网

Likewise, many other countries have their own unique days highlighting ecological and environmental protection, such as Norway's Beach Clean Day and the United States' National River Clean-up Day. Meanwhile, China also actively participates in important international days such as the World Environment Day, the World Wetlands Day and the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, making its contribution to the building of a shared community of life on earth. copyright www.qqlingdiw.cn

